Evaluating Your Christlikeness
- Are you harboring envy, pride, or animosity toward anyone? Or do you have a heart of love toward everyone around you?
- Think about the people nearest to you. Has your love for them been expressed merely through words, or have you loved them through action?
- Are your good works of love motivated by God’s love for you or something else (manipulation, feeling good about yourself, earning approval, etc.)?
- Do you often have mood swings based on the events of the day, or is your joy steady in Christ?
- How do you react when suffering or trials come: do you lose your joy, or do you rejoice in Christ even through difficult times?
- Would others say that you are an especially joyful person? Why or why not?
- Are you earnestly pursuing purity in your thoughts, desires, and actions? Or are you merely assuming that growth in holiness will come?
- Over the past year, have you become more sensitive to sin (not able to do the sinful things you used to do) or less sensitive to sin (able to do the sinful things you could not do)?
- Is there any area of your conduct (sinful habits, ungodly speech, impure media consumption, etc.) that is out of line with the holiness to which God calls you?
- What are you doing to pursue Jesus and flee from unholiness in this area?
Explore Christlikeness
Evaluating Your Christlikeness

The Gospel


