Evaluating Your Mission
- Imagine someone could learn about you only by looking at your budget or spending habits. What would they conclude you value most?
- Which of the following consumes more of your thoughts throughout the day:
- How you can invest in savings, retirement, or assets?
- How you can invest in the kingdom?
- Would you say that giving to God is more burdensome or exciting to you? Why?
- Do you look for opportunities to give to others, or do you tense up when you hear that someone has a financial or material need?
- Does your current habit of giving prioritize God’s mission? Are you giving regularly and sacrificially to the local church and making other investments in God’s kingdom?
- Can you articulate the gospel clearly in less than three minutes?
- If not, join up with another Christian and practice sharing together.
- Do you have any longtime non-Christian friends (known longer than two years) with whom you have not shared the gospel? What has kept you from sharing with them?
- Would you say that evangelism happens rarely, occasionally, or regularly in your life?
- What life habits have caused this pattern?
- Does the topic of evangelism stir up guilt, nervousness, or excitement in you? Why?
- Have you ever led anyone to Christ by sharing the gospel?
- If not, why? Is this more because of people’s response to your sharing or your failure to share?
- Write down the natural skills, abilities, or passions God has given you.
- In what ways are you using these for God’s glory and mission?
- In what ways are you using these selfishly?
- Are able to identify your spiritual gifts?
- If so, what are they? How are you using these to build up the church?
- If not, ask the Christians closest to you what they think they are.
What would it look like for you to be a faithful steward of your gifts?
Explore Mission
Evaluating Your Mission

The Gospel


