Evaluating Your Life in the Gospel
- When you sin, do you go to God quickly for forgiveness, or does it take a long time for you to return to God?
- After you confess your sin, do you feel like you need to pay God back, or are you able to fully enjoy him?
- Whenever you remember past confessed sins, does your heart move into shame because of your actions or thanksgiving because of Jesus’ forgiveness?
- Think about your level of joy at the end of the day. When you feel like you haven’t done enough good, do you lose your joy? Or are you able to rejoice in the sufficiency of Jesus on your behalf?
- Do you struggle with believing your works will be enough for heaven? Or are you assured that Jesus’ perfect and sufficient righteousness will stand in your place?
- Do you find it difficult or embarrassing to confess your sins to others? Or has Jesus’ perfection freed you from the need to keep up your self-image?
- How do you react whenever you face a commandment that appears difficult to obey?
- Do you plead for God’s power to help you obey it?
- Do you despair because you’re not able to obey it?
- Do you excuse yourself from obedience because Jesus’ grace will cover you?
- Write out ten ways that God has transformed you by his gospel.
- Does the power of the Holy Spirit seem like a distant idea to you? Or have you experienced the Spirit’s power in renewing your mind and transforming your desires?
Explore The Gospel
Evaluating Your Life in the Gospel

The Gospel


