Evaluating Your Devotion
- Do you enjoy reading the Bible? Or does it feel like drudgery to open God’s Word?
- Are you reading through breadth of God’s Word, in both the Old and New Testament? Or are you only choosing to read the parts that interest you?
- Are you soaking in the depths of the Word? Or are you merely skimming over it?
- Are you motivated to pray more by guilt or by love for God?
- If you were teaching someone how to follow Jesus, and they could learn how to pray only by observing your prayer life, what would they conclude about prayer?
- When you do pray, what fills up your time more: worshipping God with gratitude, or asking God for things?
- When you read the Bible, do you look for ways to obey God and apply the Word to your life?
- When is the last time you did something you didn’t want to do out of obedience and submission to God?